29 Jan 2025

Charity Donations 2024

Thanks to all who donated to the Christmas collection during Santa’s trip around Roebuck in December. We (the Association) then topped it up, and we sent €500 off to Br. Kevin in the Capuchin Day Centre on Bow Street. We received a lovely note back from them, see below.

We’d like to thank the community who contributed generously to all of our fund-raising events during 2024. The following amounts were sent:
Our Ladys Hospice €665
UNRWA €1000
Capauchin Day Centre €500
Barretstown Childrens Charity €400
Rosemount Resource Centre €400

Each collection we hold is then topped up by the Association before sending off the final amount. We also contributed €300 to the Goatstown Community Games.

22 Jan 2025

Coffee Morning – Jan 30th

We used to hold coffee mornings in the past for our residents so we are delighted to annouce that we are starting them up again, and are holding one in a few weeks time. It will be held in The Goat on Thursday 30th Jan, 10:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. and we welcome all residents. We are also extending the invitation to our neighbours in Taney Area Residents’ Association. 

The last one we had was just before Covid, in November 2019. Looking forward to seeing you on January 30th.

11 Dec 2024

Vector Motors – New LRD Application

A new planning application (LRD application) has been lodged for the Vector Motors site. It’s for construction of a student accommodation development (including use as tourist or visitor accommodation outside the academic term) comprising of 220 student bedspaces (including 10 studios), in a part single storey, part 4 storey and part 6 storey ‘U’-Shaped building. Roof terraces on the 4th and 5th floor level, and 6 car parking spaces, 2 disabled spaces and 4 set down spaces.

More information on the DLR Planning website. The reference number is: LRD24A/0974/WEB and the public have until Jan 20th to make an observation. This can be done online, or by post, and the cost is €20.

Some images from the supplied CGI images.

To view previous posts regarding the recent planning history of this site, see here.

Update 20/1/25: We submitted an observation in respect of this application.

Update 12/2/25: Permission was granted by DLR Council on Feb 6th. Some conditions attached, such as removal of 8 bed spaces, no night time access to roof gardens etc. Further information on the DLR Planning website.

04 Dec 2024

Santa Is Coming To Town (Roebuck), Sat 14th

Yes, the Man in Red is back baby. Santa and his trusty elves will be back to visit all the little Robuckians on Saturday 14th December. He will start at about 4pm and finish at about 5:30pm. (This map which his elves (slackers) haven’t updated since 2021 gives a rough idea of where he’ll be at what time.)

There’ll be a mulled wine/ tasty things little gathering on the Green afterwards. All welcome, so please come along.

This year he won’t be travelling by bike. He hurt his knee while mucking out the reindeer stables so his physio told him to take a break from the cycling for a while.

13 Oct 2024

AGM 2024

The AGM of the Roebuck Residents’ Association will take place on the 24th October 2023 at 8:30pm in The Goat.

Please be aware that this meeting is for current members of the Association only.

The agenda will be made available one week before the date of the meeting, via email. Any suggestions for the agenda should be directed by email to roebuckresidents@gmail.com, or in writing to any member of the committee, not later than the 14th October.

08 Oct 2024

Tidy Districts Winner!

We won first prize in this year’s Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council’s Tidy Districts Competition! This was in the category for Best Housing Estate/Apartment Complex, 201-350 dwellings. Our Tidy Districts team puts in so much time and effort in keeping our area looking so well, so it’s fantastic to see all that work recognised and rewarded by the Council. As well as getting presented with a snazzy framed certificate, we will also be getting some hard cash lodged to our bank account. €600 to be exact.

Congratulations to all the Tidies! By the way, the group is always looking for new volunteers, so if you’d like to get involved, just send us an email, or talk to one of the committee. There is also now a larger Tidy Towns group that has been formed for Dundrum, and if you’d like to get involved in that, please contact Imagine Dundrum.

13 Sep 2024

Hospice Coffee Morning

We’re having an in-person, on-the-Green, Coffee Morning this year on Saturday 21st September. That’s tomorrow week. From 10:00am to 12:00pm down on our beautifully landscaped Green.

We hope you can all come along for tea, coffee, nibbles and a chat. We’d love to see you there. Bring some money for the collection bucket!

If you can’t make it in person, we’ve set up an online payment facility so you can donate online. You can do that below. All donations are very gratefully received by the Hospices. The final amount will also be topped-up by the Residents’ Association, as is always the case each year.

(This collection is now ended.)

09 Sep 2024

CMH – Part 10 Planning Application

The LDA, in partnership with Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, is lodging a new planning application for the Central Mental Hospital site. Because the Council is involved, it will be a Part 10 Planning Application (goes straight to An Bord Pleanála). They are looking for permission to build 934 homes this time, (up from the 852 that were granted last time). They are proposing to build 753 new affordable and cost rental homes and 181 social homes. They say they are reducing heights along the boundary, with heights ranging from 2 to 8 storeys across the site.

They are having two public information sessions in Dundrum Library:

  • 10th September from 10am-1pm
  • 12th September from 4pm-8pm

Full details on the information stage will be at this project website www.dundrumcentral.ieand the actual Part 10 application can be viewed here once lodged at  www.dundrumcentralresidentialpart10.ie.

We would encourage all interested residents to attend one of the public information sessions.

Update 27/9/24: The public information stage has now been completed, and the Part 10 application has just been lodged. You can find the information here: www.dundrumcentralresidentialpart10.ie.

Members of the public have 6 weeks to make an observation, and it costs €50. You can find more information, and make your observation here: https://www.pleanala.ie/en-ie/case/320912. We understand the last day to make an observation is 6/11/24, 5:30pm.