10 Jun 2020

Spring Clean, Cruinniú na nÓg, Council + Gov Info

Well the plants are certainly enjoying the weather, even if the rest of us aren’t. We hope you’re all keeping well, and getting used to this latest phase. Be sure to get in touch if there’s anything we can do. A few bits and pieces for you.

1. Spring Clean This Weekend – Donate an Hour for your Community
2. Cruinniú na nÓg – This Saturday
3. Some County-Wide Information Sent to us from the PPN
4. Latest Email from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support

1. Spring Clean This Weekend – Donate an Hour for your Community
This weekend the postponed An Taisce National Spring Clean will take place. We usually organise groups to litter-pick and remove weeds but this year is different due to the continuing Covid 19 restrictions. So instead we are going for an individual/ family approach. 

Could you donate an hour to pick rubbish and weed a local area close to you? Areas that need particular attention are weeds between the roadside and kerb. Residents are also encouraged to edge the grass verge outside their house and to help neighbours who are unable to do this themselves.

Contact us if you need supplies; we have gloves, bags and a limited supply of litter-pickers. There will also be a number of volunteers on the green outside the shops on Saturday morning between 10am-12pm.

All collected bags should be returned to the green by Monday morning for collection by the council. Only council blue bags will be collected. 

A few basic guidelines that need to be adhered to:
– Wear gloves
– Bring a bag for the litter/ weeds
– If weeding on the roadside wear a hi-vis vest and face oncoming traffic
– Put the gloves in the rubbish bag
– Wash your hands afterwards

One thing that Covid has taught us is how important it is to have amenities close to us. Please help us to keep our area clean. 

Take pictures before and after and send them in to us. Let’s try to cover the whole of Roebuck and to also stay safe.
You can see a couple of photos of the sort of areas that need looking at on the website

(The very hard working Tidy Districts Team is behind this initiative. It would be great if we could show our appreciation for all the hard work they do by as many as possible coming out and doing a bit of cleaning up this weekend. – The Committee)

2. Cruinniú na nÓg – This Saturday
Do you know about Cruinniú na nÓg? It’s Ireland’s national day of free creativity for children and young people, and this year it’s on this Saturday, June 13th. Obviously events have been quite curtailed and most things are taking place online this year. 

One of the organisers is a Roebuck resident, Carla on Farmhill Road. She’s behind the programme of events for South Dublin County Council. These events will be streaming on www.facebook.com/CruinniuSouthDublin from 11am on Saturday. If you miss it at that time, it will stay up on the page, or you can go to this YouTube Channel- https://bit.ly/CruinniuTVChannel, where it will be all up and running by Saturday morning.

More information can be found at https://bit.ly/CruinniuTVSD. You can also see some information on this PDF.

Thanks to Carla for sharing this with us.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Council are also running a programme of events for Cruinniú na nÓg. You can read all about that here.

3. Some County-Wide Information Sent to us from the PPN
1. Free webinar on Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) in collaboration with the DLR PPN:
Tuesday June 16th at 7:00pm. The purpose of this 40 minute information session is to introduce you to the Sustainable Energy Communities Network and to see what benefits and supports it can bring to your group and its members. The event will be facilitated by Gavin Harte who is the SEAI Community Energy Mentor for Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown. Read more here

2. From Land to Sea – Fly Your Flag at Dún Laoghaire Harbour:
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council are asking everyone of all ages to come together in a day of solidarity and create a flag that we will fly at Dún Laoghaire Harbour in August 2020. As we emerge from the fifth and final phase of the Covid 19 public health restrictions, the Council are asking you to make a flag with your message of hope for the future. Tell your Covid-19 story! Read more here.

3. Community Connection radio show in collaboration with DLR PPN:
Tune in to Dublin South FM today 93.9FM, 3pm Friday 5th June 2020 for Community Connection, Dublin South FM’s monthly community affairs show. There will be a repeat on Saturday 6th June 4pm. Read more here.

4. Latest Email from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support#InThisTogether Wellbeing campaign
Thank you for all of the fantastic support for the #InThisTogether Wellbeing campaign, from the Department of Health and the HSE. This will continue to be on the airwaves in June.

The website is www.gov.ie/together and the hash tag is #InThisTogether. Partners are recommended to continue to share their wellbeing content under the hash tag #InThisTogether.

The radio adverts can be found here and include new ads which are being aired on national and local radio relating to:
1.       Social distancing and disability – keeping in mind people with disabilities, including the visually impaired
2.       Sleep – advice for people experiencing disturbed sleep at this time
3.       ‘Small Walk’ – advice for people who are worried about getting back out and about or may be feeling unsteady on their feet  

Family Carers Ireland – offering family carers free counselling sessions
As a carer, there are times when mental health and emotional well-being may be challenged due to a combination of the demands of a caring role, and the additional worries of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Family Carers Ireland offer help to family carers, as they believe no one should have to care alone. They have developed a free, short-term online and phone counselling service for family carers, and will connect carers with a qualified counsellor from a panel of approved professionals.
The service can be accessed through the website or through the National Freephone Careline on 1800 24 07 24.

Online Mental Health Supports – As part of their on-going collaboration with HSE Mental Health, Silvercloud Health has made four of their online mental health and wellbeing programs free to access for all health sector staff and volunteers. The four programs cover: Stress; Sleep; Resilience; and Challenging Times, and were developed in response to COVID-19. These programs, which are self directed, feature evidence based content in a series of modules that draw on well-established interventions such as cognitive behavioural therapy. The HSE and Silvercloud want to ensure that the wider health sector can avail of the programs. To find out more and to access the content, please visit the dedicated landing page and please remember to use the access code HSE2020. Further information on minding your mental health during Covid-19 can be found here .

COVID-19 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communications Resources
For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, communicating in a health setting such as a busy clinic or ward situation can be difficult. The COVID-19 pandemic and the necessity for many healthcare staff to wear face masks have made communication even more difficult, especially for people who may rely on lip-reading.
The Irish Deaf Society and Chime, in partnership with the HSE, have prepared resources for use by Healthcare workers and people who are deaf or hard of hearing. These can be found here and include guidelines for staff, communication supports and videos in Irish Sign Language.  

Institute of Public Health survey – The Institute of Public Health is inviting people to take part in an online anonymous international survey to help understand how people are coping during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey has been developed by the International Loneliness and Social Isolation Research Network (I-LINK) that includes the Institute of Public Health along with Ulster University, Trinity College Dublin and Maynooth University as well as colleagues from the UK, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Canada and the USA. The intent is that the information will help understand how the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted individuals, families, communities, policies and services at both a country and global level.
See survey – https://bit.ly/36PxDg1

Public Health Information: As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: https://www2.hse.ie/coronavirus/ and https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/.


30 May 2020

IGB, Birds, Dundrum, Bikes etc.

Can you still call it Leaving Cert weather if there is no Leaving Cert? Hope you are enjoying your long weekend in the sun.


Water The Trees
The poor trees. If you have a new or young tree outside your, or your neighbour’s, house, please water it. They won’t survive this weather without help. Washing up water etc. is fine.


IGB Schools – Planning
As we mentioned in the last email, the planning application for the secondary school is up online on the DLR Planning website. The final date for lodging any observation/objection is June 29th. We’ve put a post up on the website about all this. Included are details about the future “masterplan” of the site, and the proposed pedestrian access-ways etc.You can see the post here.

Birds of Roebuck – Update
You might remember a couple of months ago a long term resident of Friarsland Road sent us a list of the Birds of Roebuck. He has been back in touch to let us know he got a great response from Roebuck and Taney, and has added a few new birds to the list. You can see the updated list here. The daughter of a Taney resident even reported that her mother saw Pheasant and Corncrake years ago! Thanks again to Kevin Cathcart for this very interesting diversion during these times.
Residents might also be interested in this article from Birdwatch Ireland that shows how to identify newly fledged birds that will be appearing in your gardens around now.


Help the Council Improve Conditions for Pedestrians and Cyclists
Is there somewhere/something you think could be improved, from the point of view of pedestrians and/or cyclists? For example is there a location where it is dangerous to safely distance while passing other pedestrians when out walking? A dangerous junction for cyclists? Rat runs you’d like closed? Etc. If you have noticed something, or think of an area that could be improved, the Council wants to hear about it. Please fill out this form on the DLR website.

Dundrum Village – One Way
Dundrum Village will become one way from about August onwards. The Council are being quite proactive across the county in trying to improve pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure in the wake of the pandemic. Blackrock Village will also become one way (see here). Here is a statement from the Infrastructure and Climate Change Department in DLR about Dundrum Village, no images/artist’s impression yet:”Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council plans to carry out temporary changes to the public realm and mobility interventions in Dundrum Village, including a temporary one-way traffic system on sections of Main St./Sandyford Road in the village and the reallocation of road space for the safety and benefit of pedestrians, cyclists and local businesses. The Council is working on this initiative with the technical and financial support of the National Transport Authority (NTA) […] The details of the plan are currently being worked on and we envisage that it will be finalised within the next 2 to 3 weeks and it is intended that the temporary changes will begin to be implemented in July 2020.


Cycle Lane Changes – Goatstown Road
The Council is also planning to make some cycle lane changes across the County. One of these changes is a plan to pilot a new form of protected cycle lanes on Goatstown Road. You can find more information about this here: https://twitter.com/ShayBrennan/status/1266368362117918722

Apartments and Hotel Planned for The Goat
You’ve probably already heard about Charlie Chawke’s plan to apply for fast track planning permission for 290 apartments and a 50 bedroom hotel at The Goat. Bye bye donkeys and goats. There will be a lot of sad kids in the area. You can read more on the RTE website, and here on the Irish Times website.


Free Webinar on Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC)DLR is hosting a free webinar on Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) on Tuesday June 16th at 7pm. The purpose of this 40 minute information session is to introduce you to the Sustainable Energy Communities Network and to see what benefits and supports it can bring to your group and its members.

The event will be facilitated by Gavin Harte who is the SEAI Community Energy Mentor for Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown. The SEC programme aims to drive energy efficiency and smart energy use nationwide, and is a key component of the National Climate Action Plan 2019-2024. Hear more about this exciting new initiative in DLR & change the way your community thinks about energy. Registration for the webinar closes at 5:00pm on Friday June 13th. To REGISTER, please click here.

If there is interest in this topic, we can set up a group in the Residents’ Association’s area, or in the greater Goatstown area. Please get in touch if you wish to help with this.

Quick Note Regarding our Membership
Thank you to all who have already renewed or joined the Association by paying the €20 annual subscription. We’ve put Stripe on our website, so you can now pay online by card. You can also pay by EFT. (See https://www.roebuckresidents.com/pay-now/ for options.)

If you wish to pay your subscription in cash and don’t know who to give it to, please contact us for details of your nearest committee member. You can put the cash in an envelope with your name and address (house number & road).

National Biodiveristy Week
Sorry we missed last weekend’s Backyard Bioblitz to celebrate National Biodiversity Week. Thanks to the resident who sent in an email about it, and apologies that we weren’t on the ball this time! However you can still find some kids’ activity sheets on their website.There is also lots of good stuff on the Biodiversity Ireland website for kids and adults alike. You can submit sightings, view information etc. There are also some really good identification booklets for trees, insects etc. in the Shop section. If any residents are interested in setting up a group to promote greater biodiversity in the area, please get in touch.

Community Games
Thanks to another resident who sent in an email about the Community Games, again we weren’t quick enough to get an email out about it! (Apologies. Stern words were had…) The Community Games aren’t on this year, as you would suspect, but they did have a certain number of online games/competitions. However they didn’t give a lot of time, and the closing date was yesterday.


Airfield Roebuck Residents’ Association Offer
Did you know that as a member of the Residents’ Association you get a special deal from Airfield when buying an Annual Pass? More details on this leaflet from them. They are now opening for Annual Pass holders on an appointment basis. The Farmers’ Market is also back up and running at the weekend, and they are doing some takeaway food options from the restaurant (highly recommend the BBQ takeaway, book in advance).

Art on a Traffic Light Box
Fancy seeing your artwork on a traffic light junction box? DLR, partnering with Dublin Canvas, are extending their public art project to some locations in Dundrum. If you’d like to submit a design, you can find details here. Deadline is June 22nd.

CEO’s Report on Pre-Draft Submissions for the New County Development Plan
You may remember we made a submission to the pre draft of the new County Development Plan for the DLR area. Well the CEO has now made her report on these submissions. You can see the CEO Report on the DLR website. It’s basically a list of comments by DLR on the submissions that were made, and it will go towards the next step in creating the new County Development Plan. You can also see the list of submissions that were made here. A couple that are interesting are the submissions made by the Department of Education, and by the Land Development Agency. (Search for A0134 and A0112 in the Ceo’s Report to find the CEO’s responses to these submissions.) The Department is asking the Council to do more to identify and protect future school sites, and to protect school land. This proactive planning is a new departure for the Department, and one that the Council will hopefully support. The Land Development Agency is asking the Council to remove or change the Institutional Objective. Remember the zoning type that applies to OLG, and also applies to the Central Mental Hospital site? The one about a minimum 25% open space among other things (see here, Section So it will be very interesting to see what the Council does about all this. Will it remove or strengthen these protections? It is also worth nothing that the County Councillors will be voting on these matters. So if you have something to say about all this, contact your local Councillors and let them know what you think.

16 May 2020

Swop Shop Next Saturday, IGB Plans Online, etc.

Lovely day out there today, and hopefully that cold weather is behind us now. Get out for that walk, you’ll feel better for it. A few bits and pieces for you.
1. Government Guidelines for Monday 18th May
2. Swap Shop Day – Next Saturday, 23rd May
3. IGB New Secondary School – Plans Now Online
4. Where Oh Where are the Teddy Bears?
5. Central Mental Hospital
6. Covid Poetry + Short Stories Competitions
7. Don’t Forget the Trees

1. Guidelines for Monday 18th May
The guidelines around the slight easing of restrictions on Monday can be found on the Gov.ie website. You can find the web page here. As you know, they now also advise the wearing of a face covering in certain situations. (They do not recommend that children under 13 wear face coverings.) You can find out more about the face covering recommendations on this web page, as well as a guide that shows how to make your own.
(You can find loads of places online that sell them; here is one magazine article that lists a few options.)

2. Swap Shop Day – Next Saturday, 23rd May
Have you completed your spring clean yet? And now there are no charity shops open to drop all your unloved treasures into! We are going to try a “swop shop” in the area. Leave all your unloved treasures in the front of your garden and place a sign out front to let people know to take them. We are proposing to do this next Saturday afternoon, 23rd May. Have a browse around the area and pick up something you might need. Please maintain appropriate social distance. No money is to change hands. Also, make sure not to leave things on the footpath, you could be charged with littering.

3. IGB New Secondary School – Plans Now Online
The plans are now online for the new secondary school in the IGB site. This stage is for pre-fab buildings, and they still intend to open in September. You can see the location of the site for the school, the access information, and various other things including a traffic report. The deadline for observations has been extended to June 29th to accommodate the Covid delays.You can search for the plans here: http://planning.dlrcoco.ie/swiftlg/apas/run/wphappcriteria.display. The reference number for the application is:  D20A/0268. The plans can be viewed by going to the “Documents” tab, and clicking on “ViewDocuments”.

4. Where Oh Where are the Teddy Bears?
An urgent S.O.S. has been released! It appears that all the Teddies that greeted and waved at all the little people in early Spring have gone into hiding!Statement released today says; “We miss you and we want to see you all out again,  sitting on your window sills waving at us as we go walking with our Mums and Dads. Please ask your Teddy parents if it’s ok to come back to see us. So up on your windows again.”Looking forward to seeing you all next week, From All the Best Boys and Girls and Teddy Fans of Roebuck.

5. Central Mental Hospital
Plans are afoot for the Mental Hospital site. The Land Development Agency who are developing this site released a press release last month. You can see it on the Irish Times website, or the RTE website. You can also read a bit more on the LDA website, and see some interesting images of the existing site.
Note the line at the end: “The LDA will engage in extensive consultation with the public and community groups in relation to this landmark scheme.” Sounds promising, although we have so far sent them a number of emails, and even tried a phone call, but no response as yet…

6. Covid Poetry + Short Stories Competitions
All the poets and writers out there will no doubt be delighted to hear about the Poetry and Short Story competitions being run by DLRCoCo. They are for all ages. The deadline for the poets is May 26th, and the deadline for the writers is 29th May. More information can be found on the DLR website.

7. Don’t Forget the TreesDon’t forget to water the new trees! It’s been quite dry recently, so please keep the new trees watered.

05 May 2020

Park Times for Cocooners + Other Stuff

1. Designated Times in Parks for Cocooners
2. Shopping Information
3. Easing of Restrictions
4. Technology Help
5. DLRCoCo Community Wellbeing Initiatives
6. Do you Run a Small Business?

1. Designated Times in Parks for Cocooners
Starting tomorrow (Wednesday 6th), all Dublin parks will be reserved between 13:30 and 15:30 every day for the elderly and vulnerable to exercise. The Councils ask that all other citizens respect this new initiative and use the parks at other times. (This applies not just to DLR parks, but to all parks in the four Dublin local authorities’ areas.) Click here for more information.

2. Shopping Information
We’ve put together a list of some takeaways in the area, you can find it on the website. This isn’t a complete list, but it’s a good place to start. https://www.roebuckresidents.com/takeaways/

Eighty fine food shops and restaurants delivering during lockdown.
Article can be found here.

3. Easing of Restrictions
A link to the roadmap document for the planned easing of restrictions, with details of planned re-openings at each stage.

4. Technology Help
Age Action Getting Started KIT:
Age Action has launched a Getting Started KIT. This kit is made up of seven “How To” guides that will support older people to learn, use, and be confident using smartphones and applications. This is in order to support older people to keep in touch with their loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic.They are also looking for people to volunteer as “Digital Champions”, to use the Age Action Getting Started KIT to help an older person improve their digital literacy skills. More information here.

IT Support:
Do you have an IT query? A group of volunteers have come together to help the elderly in our communities who are ‘cocooning’ and isolated due to the COVID-19 crisis, with free over the phone help to resolve any IT or technical issues they have.
More information here.

5. DLRCoCo Community Wellbeing Initiatives
DLRCoCo has a regularly updated list of initiatives and suppports for mental and physical wellbeing on their website. There’s a lot there and it’s worth taking a look.
You can find out more here.

6. Do you Run a Small Business?
The new Business Continuity Voucher, available through Local Enterprise Offices, is designed for businesses across every sector that employ up to 50 people. The voucher is worth up to €2,500 in third party consultancy costs and can be used by companies and sole traders to develop short-term and long-term strategies to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. More details here.


05 May 2020


A list of some takeaways in the area. This isn’t a complete list, but it’s a good place to start.

NameOptionsTypeDaysContactOnline/ Website
HX46Delivery/ TakeawayAsianEveryday 4-10(01) 5371010Order online
The Goat BarPhone to collect/ Delivery to cocooning customersTraditionalFri, Sat 5-9, Sun 12-7(01) 2984145Menu
SamsTakeawayCoffee, Treats, lunch specialMon – Sat 9-2
RibaDelivery onlyItalianWed – Sun from 5 Pre order from 3(01) 2881999Order online
Eddie Rockets (Stillorgan)Delivery/ TakeawayBurgers etcEveryday 1-10(01) 2782004
Saba to go (WindyArbour)Delivery/ TakeawayAsianEveryday(01) 4408600Order online
Bombay Pantry (Clonskeagh)Delivery/ TakeawayIndianEveryday from 4(01) 2607885Order online
Base (Stillorgan)Delivery onlyPizzaMon -Thurs 4-10 Fri – Sun 12-10(01) 4407300Order online
22 Apr 2020

Springtime, History, Lots of Stuff

1. Roebuck Springtime Slideshow
2. Government Mental Health Campaign
3. History of Roebuck
4. CureSpa
5. Shopping Information
6. DLR Libraries’ Book Drop
7. Keep Cups
8. Free Computer/IT Courses
9. Help for Parents
10. DLR Dog Walking Service
11. Jog On
12.  Latest message from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support


1. Roebuck Springtime Slideshow
A resident has kindly provided some beautiful recent photos of the area, and a suggested soundtrack to go along with them. You can see the slideshow here. A few minutes of meditative calmness…


2. Getting Through Covid-19 Together – Government Mental Health Campaign
The Department of Health and the HSE, in collaboration with key cross-Government and cross-sectoral partners, have recently launched a mental well-being campaign aimed at offering support and resources to help deal with the stress, anxiety and isolation currently experienced by many people during this difficult time.You can find more information on this campaign here.

The Gov.ie/Together campaign is linking in with RTÉ who have launched a 15-minute programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be broadcast daily on RTÉ One at 2.20pm. It will offer tips, especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy.  Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM on with Ray Lally, the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé.

HSE, Health & Wellbeing is also offering a Stress Control Online programme, via Stresscontrol.org.  This 3 week programme is free of charge to the public and delivered by Dr. Jim White, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Stress Control Ltd.


3. History of Roebuck
We recently received a very interesting and surprising email from a lady in the UK. It turns out that she has an old photo album from the Victorian era with photos of the old Roebuck Park house, lodges, garden, etc. She bought this album many years ago in an antique shop in Surrey, and only recently managed to trace it to our Roebuck. We’ve had a sneak preview of the photos and it is definitely the old Roebuck Park house (you can see a photo of it here that Margaret Mooney took in the 60’s). Ourselves, and members of Taney Area Residents’ Association have been doing a bit of research on the ground, and online. She is also in touch with the people behind the historical website www.youwho.ie, who have done research on many of the old houses in the area. They will be working with her to put all the research together, and when finished, we will share it with the community.

Perhaps some of you have photos, memories, oral history etc. of the house and families who lived here? A lot of residents will certainly remember the house’s illegal destruction in 1995 (see here and here). We would be very interested to collect together any information the residents here have, to add to the research. There was also Belfield House (where Belfield Downs is now), which some residents will remember. We would be delighted to receive any information about that too.
Meanwhile, if you’re interested in local history you can see a map of the area from 1865 here. Also, the historic mapping website for South County Dublin includes some very interesting maps that show the area (search for a location, then click on the “layers list” icon on the left hand side). Explanation of map symbols etc. can be found here (OSI Characteristic Sheet).


4. CureSpa
Local business CureSpa have been in touch to ask that we let you know they are doing house-calls to those who need their services. Any patients who are need of podiatry or chiropody can avail of house-calls from the podiatry clinic at CureSpa. Service is available for diabetic patients primarily but also for potential foot infections, ingrown toenails etc. Contact Niall Donohoe, Podiatrist, on 087 2494264


5. Shopping Information
Higgin’s Off Licence on Bird Avenue is offering a delivery service. More here. Remember to keep your spirits up… put your gin on the top shelf.

Pet Food:
PetStop in Carrickmines is delivering. More information here.

We’d also like to highlight Lynam’s and Roebuck Pharmacy’s invaluable service, offering free delivery in the locality. It goes without saying that this is greatly appreciated by us all. The Residents’ Association has a network of volunteers who are keen to support this activity, and we welcome any requests for assistance from both the shops and from individuals in the neighbourhood who are isolating or who find it difficult to get out for any reason. Individuals who may need help with any type of shopping etc.

Relevant Articles:
Here are a couple of recent articles listing businesses that are delivering. Here and here. Also, just to note, all our previous emails with shopping and other information can be found on the website under the category “Coronavirus“.


6. DLR Libraries’ Book Drop
Last Friday, DLR Libraries announced a new book drop service to people who are cocooning. You can get up to 6 books and a care package. This service can be accessed via the Community call number Freephone 1800 804 535 or 01 271 3199. Click here for more information.
Don’t forget that local resident Fran is still offering his book service, you can see the details for that here.


7. Keep Cups
We have about 10 keep cups for anyone who would like one? Smash resistant, and comes with a lid, for those outdoor teas and coffees in the garden. Get in touch and we’ll drop one to your door.


8. Free Computer/IT Courses
European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is now free on the Further Education & Training Course hub (www.fetchcourses.ie) to support those affected by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. This is a new free government initiative to help Ireland stay connected during the current public health emergency. Everything you ever wanted to know about IT but were afraid to ask. All you need is a PPS number.  More information here.


9. Help for Parents
Parentline is a free, national, confidential helpline that offers parents support, information and guidance on all aspects of being a parent and any parenting issues. Sometimes all parents need is a friendly, listening ear. You are not on your own. Parentline volunteers are extensively trained in listening and counselling skills.https://www.parentline.ie/
Or call 1890 927277 or 01 8733500


10. DLR Dog Walking Service
Need help walking your dog? DLRCoCo’s staff charity, HUG (Hope u Give), have established a DLR Staff Volunteer Dog Walker group. Call the DLR Community Call line, Freephone 1800 804 535 or 01 271 3199, or email covidsupport@dlrcoco.ie.


11. Jog On
DLRCoCo have launched a Couch to 2km course. It started on Monday 20th, and runs for 4 weeks. You can sign up here; there’s lots of support, tips and advice.


12. 22/4/20 – Message from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support

Cocooning video
We have added a video explaining cocooning which can be easily shared to our video resources.

 15 minutes of daily activity and fitness – running daily
In support of people cocooning at this time, RTE has launched a 15 minute programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be broadcast daily on RTÉ One at 2.20pm. It will help viewers who are at home and some in self-isolation or cocooning and will offer tips, especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy.

Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM on with Ray Lally,

the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé.

 Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers
Online resources for people dementia, their families and carers and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home have also been added.
 Irish sign language videos
Irish Sign Language videos are available online here . There are five videos, each covering a different section of the COVID-19 information booklet.

 Mental Wellbeing Campaign
Finally, a reminder about the Mental Wellbeing campaign recently launched. The campaign offers support and resources for people to help deal with the stress, isolation and helps people maintain wellbeing and cope at home during this time. The campaign is running on all National and Local radio channels, as well as across social and digital platforms. The website is www.gov.ie/together and the hashtag is #Together. We welcome your support on this and branding is available to all stakeholders creating messages in this space.

The link to the radio ads is here: https://soundcloud.com/user-992575667/sets/getting-through-covid-19-together

RTE are producing a 4 week programme series of Operation Transformation Staying Well Apart going out on Wednesday evenings at 9.30 in RTE 1 as a response to the need to help people cope with staying at home/cocooning at this time. The Gov.ie/together campaign is linking in with RTE to assist with this strategy and messaging.

We would be grateful if you would let us know if your organisation has any specific requests or urgent needs in relation to Coronavirus

COVID-19 public health information materials. 
If you do, please email us at Partner.Pack@hse.ie to let us know. Thank you to those of you who have already been in touch.

Thank you again in advance for your support at this important time.

Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support

17 Apr 2020

Birds, Shops, Things to Do

We hope you’re all keeping well, and relatively sane. A few bits and pieces for you.


The Birds of Roebuck (the feathered kind that is…)
A resident recently got in touch. Since moving in in 1975, he has kept a record of the birds seen in his garden and in other parts of Roebuck. If anyone can add to the list, we will be interested to know. Please get in touch if you can add any more (see previous post). It’s a lovely project for the times we’re in.

Shopping Information
Greengrocer:Robbie’s (Kilmacud Road) are offering free delivery three times a week. You call them at least a day in advance to book a slot. Their number is: (01) 598 290.

Flemings (the butchers on Kilmacud Road) are offering free delivery for all orders over €30. They cover Dublin 18, Dublin 16 & Dublin 14. Delivered to your door and the packaging will have been wiped with sanitiser wipes. You can call them on (01) 296 7998.

DLR PPN Online Hobby & Cultural Resources
A list put together by DLR PPN. http://dlrppn.ie/online-hobby-and-cultural-resources-you-might-like-to-explore/

Volunteer by Transcribing at Home – Meitheal Dúchas.ie
Have a bit of time at the moment to do something very worthwhile? Do you know about the Schools’ Scheme that was run in the 1930’s by the Irish Folklore Commission? Between 1937 and 1939, primary school children from all over Ireland collected stories from their communities. It’s a fascinating collection, and work is ongoing transcribing it all. How it works is – you sign up, then get sent an image of a handwritten story (English or Irish, you choose) and you then type it out, and send it back to them.
You can sign up and find out more here.

Donate – 7 Day Meal Pack
Flemings, the butchers on Kilmacud Road, have set up a 7 day meal pack service for vulnerable people in need. They are putting these packs together at cost price, €35. The way it works is people ring them, or call in, and donate that amount. The packs are delivered to those who need them. If you would like to donate towards a pack, or if you, or anyone you know, is in need of this service, please let them know. You can see more on their Facebook page.

Emergency Service for Elderly Patients
Emergency department doctors in Dublin are now making house calls for elderly patients. Older people in the catchment of St Vincent’s and St Michael’s – stretching from Dublin city centre to north Wexford – can have an emergency department doctor or occupational therapist visit their home once they’ve been referred to the service by a GP, nursing home, or emergency services. Obviously many patients are reluctant to visit an emergency department at the moment. More information here.

13 Apr 2020

Eastery Updates

Hope you all had a nice weekend, as nice as possible anyway. Chocolate always makes things better we find, so hopefully you all got an egg or two to munch on.

Local Books
One of our members has let us know that he is very happy to loan and deliver books to anyone who is cocooned and short of reading material. Email us and we will put you in touch. He has thousands of books (Enid Blyton’s Famous Five to James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake) and will probably be able to find something of interest for you. In good weather he will leave a box of books at his gate from which people can borrow. We’d like to thank him for this very generous offer. A great service.

Easter Decoration Competition – Photos
We had a great response to our Easter Decoration competition, and the bunny judges were out on Saturday delivering the Easter egg prizes. We’ve put some photos of the beautifully decorated houses up on the website.

Other Photos
We’ve also put some other recent random photos from around the area up on the website too. Sure why not.

Banking Freephone Numbers
Banking freephone numbers have been set up for people cocooning. (Information taken from this Irish Times article.)
AIB: 1800 207 232
Bank of Ireland: 1800 946 146
KBC Bank: 1800 804 472
Permanent TSB: 1800 218 000
Ulster Bank Ireland: 1800 656 00

There is no sign of the IGB secondary school planning application drawings/details up on the DLR Planning website yet. According to the DLR website, the external scanning company they use is closed. The new emergency legislation means that the clock has been effectively stopped on the time period available to lodge an observation until April 21st. So that means there should be just under 5 weeks from that date to make an observation if you wish. Well unless things change again. More information regarding the changes to planning etc. can be found here.

DLR Biodiversity
DLRCoCo posted some biodiversity ideas and activities to do at home or in self isolation. The bird guide could be useful, and the mammal tunnel is an interesting idea. Although be prepared for what you might discover…
More here.

DLR Community Call Freephone Number
The DLR Community Call helpline now has a freephone number. 1800 804 535 or 01 271 3199. Both lines open from 8am – 8pm You can also email covidsupport@dlrcoco.ie
Please note: These numbers/email is not for ordinary Council services.

New Trees
You may have noticed some new trees in verges around the area. It looks like PJ from the Council was busy a few weeks ago putting in some new trees for us. (PJ sometimes works in mysterious ways, but we won’t hear a word against him.) If these new trees are outside your house (or the house of neighbours who might be cocooning), can you ensure they get regularly watered over the coming few months? If there’s a dry patch, they won’t survive.

06 Apr 2020

Even more Updates…

Another edition of the Corona Times. We’re delighted to say the lost camera has found its way back to its owner through the power of social media! Also, we’re again asking that people not park on footpaths and grass verges. With the 2m distance requirement it’s more important than ever to ensure the footpaths and verges are clear.

1. Art Competition
2. An Post – Request a Check In

3. DLR Community Call helpline
4. Creative Projects for All Ages

5. Some Exercise Ideas for Cocooners
6. Finding it Hard to Sleep?
7. Poetry Corner
8. Personal Alarm for the Elderly
9. Latest Email from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support (includes information for carers who provide services to people with disabilities)

1. Art Competition
We’re having an art competition! Kids (of all ages) are being asked to decorate their homes with Easter themed art. Lovely prizes up for grabs. Looking forward to seeing all the art, so get making, colouring, painting, drawing etc. etc.


2. An Post – Request a Check In
Postmen and postwomen across the country will call to the front doors of older and vulnerable customers along their delivery route. You can request a check in on the website: https://www.anpost.com/Community-Support/Request-a-Check-In


3. DLR Community Call helpline
Just a reminder that the DLR Community Call helpline is open seven days a week, 8am to 8pm, for assist you, or someone you may know who is cocooning, elderly or vulnerable. Call them on 01 271 3199 or email covidsupport@dlrcoco.ie. Apparently it’s getting a good few calls, and is working very well so far.


4. Creative Projects for All Ages
DLR have sent us on links to a booklet containing some creative projects that re-use items commonly available within a home. They hope it may be helpful for families, at this time. The booklet contains 31 projects for all ages. Please feel free to share the booklet anywhere you wish. 

The booklet can be found at:

Electronic Book: https://online.flippingbook.com/view/479637/38/
Online PDF version: https://www.dlrcoco.ie/en/environment/environment-awareness-education/activities-and-projects-home-april-2020


5. Some Exercise Ideas for Cocooners
We know there are loads of YouTube videos etc. out there to look at, but thought these two weren’t bad.
How to keep your immune system working efficiently whilst self-isolating: https://youtu.be/k6_zJtbzMho

30 Min Exercise for Seniors:


6. Finding it Hard to Sleep?
Paul D’Alton, Associate Professor of Psychology at UCD and Principal Clinical Psychologist at St Vincent’s University Hospital has some good podcasts on RTÉ Drivetime’s website.

Finding it hard to sleep: https://www.rte.ie/radio1/drivetime/highlights/2020/0327/1126844-finding-it-hard-to-sleep/

Three simple steps to help calm the mind: https://www.rte.ie/radio1/drivetime/highlights/2020/0327/1126843-three-simple-steps-to-help-calm-the-mind/


7. Poetry CornerThe latest poem sent into us is by the poet laureate of Twitter, Brian Bilston (you can see more of his work here).

On Leaving the House and Encountering Another Human Being

I’m sorry I dived into the bushes.
It’s not personal, you understand.
You happened to walk in my direction
and nerves got the upper hand.

I’m sorry I screamed when you came near me.
Don’t take my angry shrieks to heart.
Idiomatically, let’s stay in touch –
and physically, six feet apart.

Apologies if it seems like you repulse me,
that I recoil when you come near.
In other times, we might have spoken,
shared a joke or had a beer.

or waltzed together down the footpath,
perhaps we may yet still one day.
But just for now, embrace the margins
and wave to me from far away.

Brian Bilston


8. Personal Alarm for the ElderlyDid you know there is a government scheme to provide personal alarms for elderly people (that you wear around your neck on a pendant). It isn’t means-tested. You can find more information here: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/justice/crime_and_crime_prevention/seniors_alert.html. It’ll take a couple of months most likely to get it, but if you, or someone you know, could benefit from this, it’s well worth applying. It is simple to install, and at the moment, for health and safety reasons, the installer is not going into people’s houses. Instead the person getting the alarm can install it, or a trusted family member can do it. We realise this isn’t strictly adhering to the current cocooning guidelines, but seeing as it will probably take a couple of months to get it, hopefully the restrictions may be relaxed a bit by that stage.


9. Latest Email from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support (includes information for carers who provide services to people with disabilities)

We are very thankful for your ongoing support every day in helping to share information about Coronavirus COVID-19.

Below are a few updates for you:
Digital Partner Pack Update

Guidance and Resources for Disability Services
COVID-19 Guidance is now available for staff and carers who provide services to people with disabilities.

This guidance will ensure that staff and carers are fully aware of the steps they need to take during the outbreak.  

All of the materials are available to download here.

The HSE convened a group made up of representatives of the voluntary sector disability service providers to develop disability specific guidance and resources.  These are in line with nationally approved guidance issued by the HSE and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Where necessary, guidance has been reviewed by clinical leads and approved by the HSE’s Vulnerable Person’s Group, convened to lead the response to the needs of vulnerable people during this pandemic.

The Easy Read version of the COVID-19 Public Information Booklet
The Easy Read version of the COVID-19 Public Information Booklet will help those who sometimes find content hard to read, understand or act on. The Easy Read is also available to download here along with the original information guide which has been translated into many languages and is available as an audio guide.

You can also order hard copies of the Easy Read version on www.healthpromotion.ie if you click into “Order Publications”.

There are a number of updated and new posters, including one on cocooning. All of the materials are available to download here

If your organisation has any specific requests or urgent needs in relation to COVID-19 public health information materials, please email us at Partner.Pack@hse.ie to let us know.

Thank you in advance for your support at this important time.

Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support

01 Apr 2020

More Updates and Ideas

1. Covid-19 Dedicated Phone Line and Community Support – DLRCoCo

2. Cocooning Information

3. Parking, Dogs, Bins etc.

4. Shopping Info

5. Planning – IGB and OLG

6. More online resources

7. Teddy in the window

8. In The Gazette

9. Pandemic Poetry

10. Latest Email from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support via DLR PPN


1. Covid-19 Dedicated Phone Line and Community Support – DLRCoCo

A dedicated community support helpline is now available 9.00 am to 5.00 pm for Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, for those who may find themselves in need
Phone:     (01) 271 3199
Email:      covidsupport@dlrcoco.ie

Read more here: http://dlrppn.ie/dedicated-community-support-helpline-available-from-9am-monday-at-01-271-3199/
A dedicated community support helpline is now operating to assist citizens, who may be at risk, to access non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency. Led by the new COVID-19 Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Community Response Forum, which includes over a dozen agencies and organisations, this confidential phoneline and email service will focus primarily on ensuring that vulnerable members of the community, or those living alone can access deliveries of groceries, medicine and fuels.


2. Cocooning

There is some really good information here for those cocooning. It is also worth reading if you are living with, or caring for, someone in this situation.



3. Parking, Dogs, Bins etc.

Parking – With the 2m distance requirement it’s more important than ever to ensure the footpaths and verges are clear. We’re asking people to be mindful of where they park, and in particular to not park on footpaths or on the grass verges.

Dog Poo + Keep on Lead – We ask that dog owners be vigilant about picking up the poo. There seems to be a large increase in poo on the footpaths and verges around here since this all started. People have to walk on the verges as well as the paths now, so clean up after your dog. It is a health hazard. You are also asked to keep your dog on a lead at all times.

These are part of the Covid-19 Guidelines for use of Open Public Spaces published by the HSE/Gov.ie: “If you are taking your dog with you, please keep it on a lead at all times, and always be sure to clean up.” See here.

Dog Walking – If you are unable to walk your dog yourself, please contact us. We have plenty of volunteers on hand to do this for you.

Bins – The binmen have made some residents aware that it’s important to disinfect bin handles after the bins are emptied.


4. Shopping Information

Lynam’s and Roebuck Pharmacy Free Deliveries + New Opening Hours:

Lynam’s and Roebuck Pharmacy are offering free deliveries to vulnerable and cocooning residents. You would have received a leaflet with details. You can contact them at info@lynams.ie or 01 2981061. Roebuck Pharmacy can be reached at 01 2981295.

New opening hours for Lynam’s: Mon to Sat 8am to 6pm, Sun 8am to 1.30pm

Airfield Market Boxes:

Airfield Market is now doing click and collect boxes of food. You can find more information here. Order by Wed 8pm, collect on Friday.


5. Planning – IGB and OLG

IGB – A planning notice has just gone up for temporary school buildings on the IGB site. The application isn’t online yet, and the planning office in Dun Laoghaire is closed. The details on the notice says it is for 4 prefabricated buildings on a defined site area of 0.83 hectares, surrounded by a 2m mesh fence. Access gates with associated site works including provision of entrance to site, and hard surface play area. Permission for a period of no longer than 5 years is being sought. It’s dated 27th March, and there is a 5 week window to lodge an observation. Although we believe the new Covid emergency legislation brought in last week includes an extension of three weeks to this 5 week window. You can see the notice here.

The new principal for the Educate Together Secondary School going into this site has been appointed. You can read more here.

OLG – A planning application is up for changing rooms at the back of the secondary school beside the new hockey pitch. One part of the description is interesting – “the construction of a 343 sq.m single storey pre-fabricated building for temporary use a childcare facility for a period of up to 6 months, after which the structure will be reduced in area (by 181 sq.m) to 162 sq.m and will be in permanent use as a school changing room”. More here.

So it looks like this may be a new location for the Grove After School, for a while anyway.


6. More online resources, ideas, etc.

We’ve had a few more online resources sent into us, to while away the time for those who are currently metamorphosing into butterflies (or moths?) and others.

Nestbox in your Garden + Record Bird Sightings:



Directory of free products / services available during COVID-19:


Digital Concert Hall:


Build a Mini Library for the Green:

If you’re handy, and have time on your hands, we’d love if someone could make us a mini library for the Green in front of the shops. This is the sort of thing we were thinking of: https://littlefreelibrary.org/.

Irish Times Digital Subscription:

If you have a collge student in the family, full time 3rd level students can sign up a free online subscription to The Irish Times.

Online Counselling/ Support:

It’s a tough time, and if you need extra support, it might be worth checking out this artice.


7. Teddy in the window

A resident has suggested this lovely idea. Put a teddy bear in your window so that when the kids get out they have something to distract them and look out for. It’s taking off around the world: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-52108765


8. In The Gazette

Did you know we’re in The Gazette? We don’t think it made a printed version (due to the virus, they’ve stopped printing for now), but you can read the article here.


9. Pandemic Poetry This pandemic has really brought out the poetry lovers. Here’s another poem sent in by a resident. If anyone has any other suggestions, send them in to us.

Pandemic by Lynn Ungar

What if you thought of it
as the Jews consider the Sabbath—
the most sacred of times?
Cease from travel.
Cease from buying and selling.
Give up, just for now,
on trying to make the world
different than it is.
Sing. Pray. Touch only those
to whom you commit your life.
Center down.

And when your body has become still,
reach out with your heart.
Know that we are connected
in ways that are terrifying and beautiful.
(You could hardly deny it now.)
Know that our lives
are in one another’s hands.
(Surely, that has come clear.)
Do not reach out your hands.
Reach out your heart.
Reach out your words.
Reach out all the tendrils
of compassion that move, invisibly,
where we cannot touch.

Promise this world your love–
for better or for worse,
in sickness and in health,
so long as we all shall live.


10. Email from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support via DLR PPN:

We are very thankful for your ongoing support every day in helping to share information about Coronavirus COVID-19.

Below are a few updates for you:
Digital Partner Pack Update
The digital partner pack now includes the COVID-19 Information Booklet, which is being delivered to all households from this week on


The digital partner pack now has illustrated stories for children going to test centres for COVID-19 testing. It is hoped that children going for

testing may benefit from the illustrated stories.

The digital partner pack also has the updated resources and materials asking people to stay at home.

The digital partner pack contains:

  • The most up to date posters on COVID-19
  • Videos and audio files that you can share
  • Leaflets, social media assets, the information booklet and more

The main leaflet which is gone to homes will be made available in a number of languages and formats – including audio and braille, which we will include on the digital partner pack as they are ready.


For information on cocooning, please go to:

There is a poster (halfway down) the Department of Health page above regarding cocooning and this will also be available on the Digital partner pack tomorrow.

If your organisation has any specific requests or urgent needs in relation to COVID-19 public health information materials, please email us at Partner.Pack@hse.ie to let us know.

Thank you in advance for your support at this important time.

Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support