Springtime, History, Lots of Stuff
Roebuck Springtime Slideshow
Government Mental Health Campaign
History of Roebuck
Shopping Information
DLR Libraries’ Book Drop
Keep Cups
Free Computer/IT Courses
Help for Parents
DLR Dog Walking Service
Jog On
12. Latest
message from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support
1. Roebuck Springtime Slideshow
A resident has kindly provided some beautiful recent photos of the area, and a suggested soundtrack to go along with them. You can see the slideshow here. A few minutes of meditative calmness…
2. Getting Through Covid-19 Together – Government Mental Health Campaign
The Department of Health and the HSE, in collaboration with key cross-Government and cross-sectoral partners, have recently launched a mental well-being campaign aimed at offering support and resources to help deal with the stress, anxiety and isolation currently experienced by many people during this difficult time.You can find more information on this campaign here.
The Gov.ie/Together campaign is linking in with RTÉ who have launched a 15-minute programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be broadcast daily on RTÉ One at 2.20pm. It will offer tips, especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy. Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM on with Ray Lally, the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé.
HSE, Health & Wellbeing is also offering a Stress Control Online programme, via Stresscontrol.org. This 3 week programme is free of charge to the public and delivered by Dr. Jim White, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Stress Control Ltd.
3. History of Roebuck
We recently received a very interesting and surprising email from a lady in the UK. It turns out that she has an old photo album from the Victorian era with photos of the old Roebuck Park house, lodges, garden, etc. She bought this album many years ago in an antique shop in Surrey, and only recently managed to trace it to our Roebuck. We’ve had a sneak preview of the photos and it is definitely the old Roebuck Park house (you can see a photo of it here that Margaret Mooney took in the 60’s). Ourselves, and members of Taney Area Residents’ Association have been doing a bit of research on the ground, and online. She is also in touch with the people behind the historical website www.youwho.ie, who have done research on many of the old houses in the area. They will be working with her to put all the research together, and when finished, we will share it with the community.
Perhaps some of you have photos, memories, oral history etc. of the house and families who lived here? A lot of residents will certainly remember the house’s illegal destruction in 1995 (see here and here). We would be very interested to collect together any information the residents here have, to add to the research. There was also Belfield House (where Belfield Downs is now), which some residents will remember. We would be delighted to receive any information about that too.
Meanwhile, if you’re interested in local history you can see a map of the area from 1865 here. Also, the historic mapping website for South County Dublin includes some very interesting maps that show the area (search for a location, then click on the “layers list” icon on the left hand side). Explanation of map symbols etc. can be found here (OSI Characteristic Sheet).
4. CureSpa
Local business CureSpa have been in touch to ask that we let you know they are doing house-calls to those who need their services. Any patients who are need of podiatry or chiropody can avail of house-calls from the podiatry clinic at CureSpa. Service is available for diabetic patients primarily but also for potential foot infections, ingrown toenails etc. Contact Niall Donohoe, Podiatrist, on 087 2494264
5. Shopping Information
Higgin’s Off Licence on Bird Avenue is offering a delivery service. More here. Remember to keep your spirits up… put your gin on the top shelf.
Pet Food:
PetStop in Carrickmines is delivering. More information here.
We’d also like to highlight Lynam’s and Roebuck Pharmacy’s invaluable service, offering free delivery in the locality. It goes without saying that this is greatly appreciated by us all. The Residents’ Association has a network of volunteers who are keen to support this activity, and we welcome any requests for assistance from both the shops and from individuals in the neighbourhood who are isolating or who find it difficult to get out for any reason. Individuals who may need help with any type of shopping etc.
Relevant Articles:
Here are a couple of recent articles listing businesses that are delivering. Here and here. Also, just to note, all our previous emails with shopping and other information can be found on the website under the category “Coronavirus“.
6. DLR Libraries’ Book Drop
Last Friday, DLR Libraries announced a new book drop service to people who are cocooning. You can get up to 6 books and a care package. This service can be accessed via the Community call number Freephone 1800 804 535 or 01 271 3199. Click here for more information.
Don’t forget that local resident Fran is still offering his book service, you can see the details for that here.
7. Keep Cups
We have about 10 keep cups for anyone who would like one? Smash resistant, and comes with a lid, for those outdoor teas and coffees in the garden. Get in touch and we’ll drop one to your door.
8. Free Computer/IT Courses
European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL) is now free on the Further Education & Training Course hub (www.fetchcourses.ie) to support those affected by the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. This is a new free government initiative to help Ireland stay connected during the current public health emergency. Everything you ever wanted to know about IT but were afraid to ask. All you need is a PPS number. More information here.
9. Help for Parents
Parentline is a free, national, confidential helpline that offers parents support, information and guidance on all aspects of being a parent and any parenting issues. Sometimes all parents need is a friendly, listening ear. You are not on your own. Parentline volunteers are extensively trained in listening and counselling skills.https://www.parentline.ie/
Or call 1890 927277 or 01 8733500
10. DLR Dog Walking Service
Need help walking your dog? DLRCoCo’s staff charity, HUG (Hope u Give), have established a DLR Staff Volunteer Dog Walker group. Call the DLR Community Call line, Freephone 1800 804 535 or 01 271 3199, or email covidsupport@dlrcoco.ie.
11. Jog On
DLRCoCo have launched a Couch to 2km course. It started on Monday 20th, and runs for 4 weeks. You can sign up here; there’s lots of support, tips and advice.
12. 22/4/20 – Message from Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support
Cocooning video
We have added a video explaining cocooning which can be easily shared to our video resources.
15 minutes of daily activity and fitness – running daily
support of people cocooning at this time, RTE has launched a 15 minute
programme to help older people to keep active at home. It will be
broadcast daily on RTÉ One at 2.20pm. It will help viewers who are at
home and some in self-isolation or cocooning and will offer tips,
especially to older viewers, on how to keep healthy and happy.
Fitness 15 will be hosted Monday to Friday at 2.20 PM on with Ray Lally,
the Today Show fitness expert, and Dáithí Ó Sé.
Resources for people with dementia, their families and carers
Online resources for people dementia, their families and carers and a booklet of activities which can be carried out at home have also been added.
Irish sign language videos
Irish Sign Language videos are available online here . There are five videos, each covering a different section of the COVID-19 information booklet.
Mental Wellbeing Campaign
a reminder about the Mental Wellbeing campaign recently launched. The
campaign offers support and resources for people to help deal with the
stress, isolation and helps people maintain wellbeing and cope at home
during this time. The campaign is running on all National and Local
radio channels, as well as across social and digital platforms. The
website is www.gov.ie/together
and the hashtag is #Together. We welcome your support on this and
branding is available to all stakeholders creating messages in this
The link to the radio ads is here: https://soundcloud.com/user-992575667/sets/getting-through-covid-19-together
RTE are producing a 4 week programme series of Operation Transformation Staying Well Apart going out on Wednesday evenings at 9.30 in RTE 1 as a response to the need to help people cope with staying at home/cocooning at this time. The Gov.ie/together campaign is linking in with RTE to assist with this strategy and messaging.
We would be grateful if you would let us know if your organisation has any specific requests or urgent needs in relation to Coronavirus
COVID-19 public health information materials.
If you do, please email us at Partner.Pack@hse.ie to let us know. Thank you to those of you who have already been in touch.
Thank you again in advance for your support at this important time.
Covid-19 Health Communications Stakeholder Support