22 Jan 2025

Coffee Morning – Jan 30th

We used to hold coffee mornings in the past for our residents so we are delighted to annouce that we are starting them up again, and are holding one in a few weeks time. It will be held in The Goat on Thursday 30th Jan, 10:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. and we welcome all residents. We are also extending the invitation to our neighbours in Taney Area Residents’ Association. 

The last one we had was just before Covid, in November 2019. Looking forward to seeing you on January 30th.

13 Sep 2024

Hospice Coffee Morning

We’re having an in-person, on-the-Green, Coffee Morning this year on Saturday 21st September. That’s tomorrow week. From 10:00am to 12:00pm down on our beautifully landscaped Green.

We hope you can all come along for tea, coffee, nibbles and a chat. We’d love to see you there. Bring some money for the collection bucket!

If you can’t make it in person, we’ve set up an online payment facility so you can donate online. You can do that below. All donations are very gratefully received by the Hospices. The final amount will also be topped-up by the Residents’ Association, as is always the case each year.

(This collection is now ended.)

21 Sep 2023

Hospice Coffee Morning Collection

We’re having an in-person, on-the-Green, Coffee Morning this year on Thursday 28th September. That’s next Thursday. From 10:00am to 12:00pm down on our beautifully landscaped Green.

We hope you can all come along for tea, coffee, nibbles and a chat. We’d love to see you there. Bring some money for the collection bucket!

If you can’t make it in person, we’ve set up an online payment facility so you can donate online. You can do that below. All donations are very gratefully received by the Hospices. The final amount will also be topped-up by the Residents’ Association, as is always the case each year.

Update: This collection has now closed. We raised an incredible €1,750, and the Association will top that up by €250. So the final total is €2,000 to go to this very worthy cause. Thanks to everyone who donated.

30 Sep 2021

International Older Persons Day – Digital Session

The Adult Education Service, Dún Laoghaire and Dundrum, are delighted to be part of celebrating International Older Persons Day.

They are running a digital online session “Getting the most out of your Computer” followed by an overview of the wide range of courses available to learners within the Adult Education Service, Dún Laoghaire and Dundrum.

The Session will be held on Friday 1st of October 1:15pm to 2:15pm.

If you are interested please click the link below to join the class or ring 01 298 9283 for further information. This is a free session and everyone is welcome to join , so please let family, friends and neighbours know. You can join using your mobile phone/ tablet/ iPad/ laptop or desktop computer. You do need internet access .

Press the Ctrl key and click on the link below on Friday 1st at 1:15pm to join the session:

Microsoft Teams meeting

07 Jan 2021

Christmas Gift

The slightly older boys and girls who would normally be attending our Neighbourhood Friendly Coffee Mornings got a special Christmas surprise from the Residents’ Association this year. A small gift of a lovely plant, box of chocs and DLRCoCo magazine was dropped into the houses of our more senior residents before Christmas. Hopefully 2021 will see the return of the coffee mornings.

plant, Lindor chocs, booklet
This event was part-sponsored by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council.
11 Feb 2020

Care & Repair – Need a Job Done Around The House?

We thought we’d remind you about the great Care & Repair Service run by Age Action, it’s been a few years since we posted about it.

Care & Repair is a service that helps to keep people living in their own homes in increased safety and comfort.

The service uses trustworthy volunteers to carry out small DIY jobs free of charge for older people. Jobs that our volunteers can do include fixing shelves, changing locks, painting/ decorating, moving furniture, gardening, etc.

For bigger jobs they keep a list of local tradespersons whose contact details they can provide for professional quotations.

Learn more about how Care and Repair works, how you or someone close to you can access the service and how you can get involved, either as a volunteer or as part of your community group.

You can find more information here: www.ageaction.ie/how-we-can-help/care-and-repair.

For Dublin, you can call this number: 01-475 6989

29 Mar 2019

DLR Age Well Expo 2019

Save the date for the inaugural dlr Age Well Expo 2019 happening Sunday, 9 June at the Leopardstown Pavilion.The Expo will showcase a range of services and supports available for positive ageing in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, and will include talks and taster sessions. Full programme schedule and booking information will be available soon via dlrcoco.ie. You can also find out more by email on: community@dlrcoco.ie and more details will be in the next issue of the DLR times.

25 Mar 2019

Coffee Morning, The Goat

Roebuck Residents’ Association and Taney Area Residents’ Association held their first joint coffee morning for the young at heart in The Goat, on Wednesday 27th February at 10am.

There was a great turnout for this event on a lovely sunny spring morning. There was plenty of chat, and thanks to Con Carroll of Mount Carmel Road for bringing along his pictures of the floods in Roebuck Park in 1963.

There was also discussion in relation to a regular morning book club. If you would like to be included in updates on this please let us know.

This event was kindly sponsored by Spark Change.