31 Mar 2022

CMH – Application Made Public

The planning application for the development in the Central Mental Hospital has been made public, and is expected to be lodged today, or over the coming days. This means that there are now 5 weeks to go through the plans and documentation, and make an observation on this proposal. During this period the Council will prepare a Report that will go to An Bord Pleanála, along with a summary of submitted observations. The Board will then make the final decision.

You can find all the information about this proposed development on this website: www.dundrumcentralresidential.ie. As you will see, there is a vast amount of information there. You can find some views of the plan below. It gives an instant idea of the scale of the development. The proposed development will consist of 940 apartments, 17 duplexes and 20 houses, with building heights ranging from 2 to 7 storeys. The old hospital building appears not to be part of this planning application, and according to the documentation, will be dealt with at a later date. The plan for this building appears to be a conversion to 80 units. This would be in addition to the figure of 977 units proposed in this application.

The ABP reference number for this application is 313176, and the final date for observations is Wednesday 4th May 2022.

We strongly encourage all members to make an observation if they have any comment to make.

The images below come from the Documents/Other/CGI Photomontages section and the EIAR/Photomontages section. There are many images in these files, we have only put 5 below. We have re-saved the PDFs to a smaller file size. You can download and view these smaller PDFs here and here. The ones on the Dundrum Central website are enormous and consequently it is very difficult to view the content there. We would advise all to have a look at the images in these PDFs.
