16 Oct 2020

CMH – Meeting with LDA

Four members of the Committee held a virtual meeting with the LDA today in relation to the development of the CMH site. Attending this meeting was the LDA Community Liaison Officer, the Project Lead and the Project Architect. They are currently engaging with local community groups, and are endeavoring to collect as much feedback as possible. It was an interesting meeting. Among other things, it was encouraging to learn they plan to keep car traffic to a minimum, prioritise pedestrian and cyclist permeability, retain a minimum of 25% open space, and preserve, as much as possible, the unique sylvan and historical character of this site. We discussed a lot of different aspects, and are hopeful that the points we raised will feed into the design process. They plan to release an e-Bulletin shortly which we will send out to members.

If you haven’t already, we would strongly encourage you to look at the website (dundrumcentral.ie), and to take the survey as soon as possible. This is a limited opportunity where you can raise the issues that are most important to you.

You can view the document we submitted here. We discussed these issues, and others, at the meeting.
