26 Nov 2017

Coffee Morning, Monday 20th Nov

We had a great turnout for the coffee morning last Monday morning in Farmhill Restaurant. About 30 residents showed up for coffee, tea, scones and conversation. We are aiming to hold these mornings on a more frequent basis from now on. Watch this space.

One of our long-time residents, Mrs. Margaret Mooney of Farmhill Road, very kindly wrote a memoir for us, and print-outs of this were handed out during the morning. She put down on paper her memories of the area from the 1950’s onwards. We’d like to thank her very much for doing this for us. It’s fascinating reading about the area, and how much it’s changed in the last fifty or sixty years.

You can read Mrs. Margaret Mooney’s memoir here. Other memoirs, photos, essays etc. etc. welcome!
