
The Committee shall be composed of 8 Committee Members consisting of 3 Officers and 5 Ordinary Members as follows:
– Chairperson
– Honorary Secretary
– Honorary Treasurer
– 5 additional Ordinary Members who should be broadly representative of the membership if possible.

The Committee Members shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.

In the event of a Committee Member leaving the area or resigning from the Committee, the remaining Committee shall co-opt another member to fill the position until the next AGM.

All Committee Members shall be paid up Ordinary Members of the Association.

An Officer shall not hold the same office for longer than 3 years.

An Officer or Committee Member who absents him or herself from 4 (or as amended by the  Committee) consecutive meetings of the Committee without valid reason shall no longer  continue to be a Committee Member.

A person who holds an elected position in local or central government shall not be eligible for election to the Committee, and any Committee Member wishing to contest such elections  must first resign from the Committee.

Current Committee Members
Úna O’Shea (Chair), Farmhill Drive
Larry Keaveney (Treasurer and Membership Registrar), Farmhill Road
Susan Kennedy (Secretary), Farmhill Road
Anne Egan, Friarsland Road
John Foody, Larchfield Road
Stan McHugh, Farmhill Drive
James Matthews, Mount Carmel Road
Maura Young, Larchfield Park
