24 Jan 2018

Community Games – Meeting Wed 31st

There will be a meeting about the setting up of a local Community Games area next Wednesday, 31st January, from 8.45pm to 9.30pm in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Someone from Community Games will be there.

As you may know, some residents are in the process of setting up a local group for the Community Games. For many years the children of this area could not compete in the Community Games due to there being no group set up here. So this is a great initiative, and one the Residents’ Association fully supports, and is actively helping where we can. The Community Games covers many different team and individual sports, as well as lots of other activities. For example did you know Art, Handwriting, and even Model Making are some of the events children can compete in?
(More info here.)

So what’s the next step?
There will be a meeting next Wednesday evening (31st Jan) from 8.45pm to 9.30pm in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The purpose of this meeting is to:
1. Provide an update on the Community Games
2. Form a committee to allow entry into the Community Games
3. Kick-off a Sports Day conversation, which will most likely happen in April/ May.

What we want from you?
Please come along to this meeting if you are interested in this initiative. Or if you think you might send your kids to compete in any of the stages, please consider helping out the very small number of people who are behind this. They really need people to help out, or it won’t get off the ground. You can offer as much or as little time as you can spare.

Some documents from the Community Games:
1. Schedule for 2018 (Provisional)
2. Full list of activities/sports

To sign off, here’s an often-overlooked classic from times past
