18 Mar 2020

Coronavirus – Shops, Deliveries etc.

A lot of the supermarkets are implementing special times for older or more vulnerable shoppers.

Lidl announced that it is prioritising older shoppers at stores nationwide from 9am until 11am every day.

Tesco announced that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, people over 65 and home carers will have dedicated access to its 151 stores in Ireland from between 7am/8am (depending on location) until 9am. 

Dunnes Stores are introducing priority shopping for the elderly between 11am and 1pm. There will be ”designated checkouts and dedicated staff” during these hours. Dunnes have asked customers with children to ‘avoid’ shopping at their stores between 11am and 1pm.

Aldi – Dedicated hours for elderly shoppers 11am to 1pm daily

SuperValu (Hours for elderly customers only)
Mount Merrion – (from Monday 23rd): 8am to 10am
Churchtown – 7.30am to 8.30am

Local Shops: Lynam’s and Roebuck Pharmacy are operating a 1 person in, 1 person out policy (max 3 customers in the shop in Lynam’s) to make shopping there safer for both customers and staff.

You can order deliveries from Lynam’s on 01 2981061.
Roebuck Pharmacy can be contacted on (01) 298 1295.
Goatstown Pharmacy can be contacted on (01) 296 5244/086 3100 749, email: goatstownpharmacy@gmail.com. They do deliveries.

Milkman – Avonmore run a milkman service in the area. You can sign up here: https://www.mymilkman.ie/ They deliver dairy products, juice, eggs, soup, some bread etc.

Newspapers – The Irish Times operates a delivery service in the area. You can sign up here: https://www.newsdelivery.ie/. They deliver Irish Times, Irish Examiner, Irish Independent, Sunday Independent, RTE Guide and lots of other newspapers etc.

Fruit and Veg – There are a few fruit and veg delivery companies, which you can google.

One is https://www.greenearthorganics.ie/. They deliver around here on Fridays (Orders must be in by Tuesday afternoon, you can also set up a weekly standing order). They also deliver a large range of other groceries.

Eco-Logic (in front of the entrance to the Central Mental Hospital), also do organic fruit and veg deliveries in the area. They also have a limited supply of organic meat, and bread. Tel; (01) 296 2632

Postage Stamps – You can buy stamps online at https://www.anpost.com/Shop/Stamps-labels/National
