Data Policy

Only Roebuck Residents’ Association committee members (or ordinary members who are authorised by the committee) are authorised to collect data on behalf of the Roebuck Residents’ Association, and will identify themselves when collecting the information. At the time of collection individuals will be made aware of the uses of the personal information and must give consent for its processing and use. The information will be collected primarily in combination with the annual subscriptions and will be updated annually.

Roebuck Residents’ Association is only seeking, and retaining, the minimum amount of personal data required to achieve its purpose. The data fields to be collected per household are:

  • Name(s) of main occupiers
  • House address
  • Phone number (mobile number for Text Alert System)
  • Email address
  • Membership status and subscription paid

Supply of personal information in whole or part is entirely voluntary.

All data collected will be used solely for the business of the residents’ association for the purpose of membership administration and communication, specifically:

  • Maintaining an up-to-date list of Roebuck area residents
  • Maintaining an up-to-date list of Roebuck Residents’ Association members
  • Status of Roebuck Residents’ Association membership (subs paid)
  • Electronic distribution of newsletter via email
  • Distribution of hard copy format of newsletter where appropriate
  • Neighbourhood Watch
  • Contact of residents relating to Roebuck Residents’ Association matters

Data will not be disclosed to any third party for commercial, political or other reason. In particular Roebuck Residents’ Association will not seek to benefit financially from the existence of the data. Exceptionally, in the unlikely event of a court order or other legal requirement to make the data available to a nominated third party the committee will be empowered to meet such demand.

Roebuck Residents’ Association will take appropriate security measures against unauthorised access to, or alteration, disclosure or destruction of, the data and against their accidental loss or destruction. A nominated committee member (Membership Registrar) will have responsibility for securing and maintaining the register each year. The information will be stored on a password protected cloud storage service and any paper copies of the information will be securely disposed of after use.

The Membership Registrar will only provide copies to other committee members by simple majority agreement of a quorate committee meeting. Exceptionally in the unlikely event of an urgent requirement for a member to have a copy of the register, the nominated officer can make it available by agreement of Chairman / Treasurer / Secretary but such an agreement will need to be explained and minuted at the next scheduled committee meeting.

All committee members must agree to abide by the policy, in particular acceptance of any data (in whole or in part) from the members’ register is an acceptance of the policy. Roebuck Residents’ Association will carry out periodic reviews of this policy and its implementation.

Individuals have the right to access any personal data being held by Roebuck Residents’ Association and have the right to rectify their data if inaccurate or processed unfairly. On making an access request in writing, any individual about whom Roebuck Residents’ Association keeps personal data is entitled to receive the following within 40 days:

  • a copy of the data being kept about him or her
  • know the categories of their data and your purpose/s for processing it
  • know the identity of those to whom the data has been disclosed to
  • know the source of the data