DLR Goatstown Local Area Plan – Extended for a Further 5 Years
The Goatstown Local Area Plan, which was adopted in 2012 and was valid until 2018, has been extended by a 5 further years. The council agreed to extend the Plan at a council meeting on the 13th March. The Director of Planning proposed this extension.
“In summary, it is the opinion of the Executive that, the Goatstown Local Area Plan remains consistent with the objectives and Core Strategy of the current 2016-2022 Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Development Plan, and that the objectives of the Local Area Plan have not yet been substantially secured.
In these circumstances, and having regard also to an improving national economic climate, it is appropriate that the life of the Goatstown Local Area Plan be further extended for a period of five years, during which time the objectives contained therein may be realised.
Accordingly it is recommended that the following Resolution be passed:
‘To extend the life, by a further five years (i.e. up to April 2022), of the Goatstown Local Area Plan, 2010, in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000, (as amended) which provides for the extension of the valid life of a Local Area Plan (LAP). The extension of the LAP is sought in order to provide Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, and all other relevant stakeholders, further time and opportunity to realise the strategic objectives of the LAP which, in light of the improving financial climate and economic sentiment, is both opportune and in accordance with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area’.”