Future of Dundrum Mental Hospital Site – Parliamentary Question by Catherine Martin T.D.
Catherine Martin, our local Green Party T.D., asked a parliamentary question relating to the future use of the Dundrum Mental Hospital Site. This is the full text of the question, and the Minister’s response.
For Written Answer on : 28/11/2017
Question Number(s): *146 Question Reference(s): 50307/17 Written
Department: Public Expenditure and Reform
To ask the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform the OPW’s plans for use of the site of the central mental hospital, Dundrum, Dublin 14 when the facility is moved to the new national forensic mental health hospital in Portrane; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
– Catherine Martin TD
The Central Mental Hospital is in the full ownership of the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland (CPW). The Health Service Executive (HSE) currently occupy the site and I believe that they will move this facility to Portrane in the future.
Once the HSE vacate the site a decision will be made by the CPW on its future use having regard to the requirements of all other state bodies.