23 Oct 2020

Ghosts, Insect Hotel, More Planting, Parking etc.

Significant work is being undertaken by the Tidy Districts group in the green space on Friarsland Road. The brambles have been cut back and a number of plants and bulbs have been sown (Thank you to all the residents who donated plants.). A new bug hotel made from recycled pallets has been added. A new bench will be added in the coming weeks along with some apple trees.

Have you noticed our scary ghosts hanging from the trees down on the Green in front of the shops! We hope you like them. We also sourced and decorated more logs for this space, they’re a great hit with the kids.

We are always looking for new volunteers to our group, and you can do as much or as little as you like.

A reminder – We ask that everyone please remove any vegetation from their garden overhanging and causing an obstruction to residents using the footpaths and to refrain from parking on grass verges and footpaths as this causes damage and makes social distancing difficult.
