24 Mar 2021

Goatstown Road – Roadworks

It appears Goatstown Road will be closed southbound from the junction with Roebuck Road all the way up to The Goat for the next 5-6 weeks. There will be no access southbound (i.e. coming from town heading to The Goat direction) except for buses. But there does appear to be northbound access (i.e. heading into town direction).

“GMC will be commencing works at the Goatstown Road/Larchfield junction this week on behalf of Irish Water. The works are scheduled to take 5-6 weeks to complete and traffic management measures will be required to facilitate the works. Please see attached maps showing the diversion route along Roebuck Road that will be in place. If any require any further information please contact customerservice@gmcirl.com.”

You can see a PDF with details here.

31/3/21: A new PDF with slightly more detail can be found here.
