Hospice Coffee Morning + Stop Waste/Compost Advisory Stand
As well as the tea, coffee and lovely pastries and treats from Lynams, tomorrow morning’s event will also feature an advisory pop-up stand for the Stop Waste campaign. This will be run by a local resident, Ronan Markey, and will feature a small scale model showing what a composting site looks like, leaflets, free spaghetti measures and free rice portion spoons promoting the EPA’s – Stopwaste.ie campaign.
We’re very happy to support Ronan with this worthwhile project.
You can download a composting information leaflet here:
Compost Booklet
There is also a course that will be run in Herbert Park starting on the 19th September. The closing date is today (14th Sep), but if you are interested please talk to Ronan tomorrow morning, as places may still be available. Click here to view the course leaflet.
Some further useful links: