28 Feb 2017

IGB – Extensive Site Clearance

There has been huge site clearance of the IGB site over the last week or so. Most of the interior trees have been cleared at this point, and work has started on clearing some of the peripheral trees. At present we have no information on what is happening beyond hearing that the HSE issued a directive to the site owners (Park Developments) in relation to removal of litter and general cleaning up/clearance of site.

Update 2/3/17: The Planning Department in DLR do not appear to believe this work constitutes development as per Section 3 of the Planning and Development Act, and as such would not constitute unauthorised development. However the Parks Department is now looking into any possible issues relating to tree felling.

Update 6/3/17: DLR Parks Department visited the site last week, and confirmed vegetation clearance; laurel, birch, brambles  and conifers have been cut. As the work done was outside the bird nesting season which commenced on 1st March, there does not appear to be a breach of the wildlife act.

If we get any further information, we will let residents know.

To read what is said about the IGB in the DLR Goatstown Local Area Plan, you can click here. Section 6.6, page 32.

To read what is permitted under “F” zoning, you can read the DLR County Development Plan 2016 – 2022, Section 8.3 Land Use Zoning Objectives, page 230.

As we mentioned before, we are aware that there is a relatively newly formed company titled “Goatstown Cemetery Park Ltd”, which has the same registered address as Park Developments. (You can see this info on www.cro.ie.) This is the same company who built the new cemetery in Kilternan. Out of interest is it also the same company who will be shortly starting work on a new large development of apartments at Notre Dame.
