20 Aug 2020

IGB Schools – Request for Further Information

A few of us on the committee had an online meeting/chat with the new Principal of the Goatstown Educate Together Secondary School, Jonathan Browner, a few weeks ago. It was great to talk to him, and it was encouraging to hear that his aim is for the school to be very integrated in the community. He was very open to the idea of the local community using the various facilities that will be there in the future. We were very happy to welcome him, and the new school, to the area.

As the pre-fabs aren’t installed yet, the school will be opening temporarily in the old Notre Dame site on Churchtown Road. (That’ll make three schools on that site now: Ballinteer ETPS, Gaelscoil na Fuinseoige and now Goatstown ETSS.) There will be a maximum of 48 pupils per year for the first few years. You can find a Facebook page for the school here.

Regarding the planning situation on the IGB site, the DLR planners came back with a “Request for Further Information” regarding the plans that had been submitted by the Department of Education for the temporary pre-fab school buildings. It was quite an extensive request, regarding, among other things, a number of the points we raised in our Observation. Points in relation to access, traffic, construction management, etc. The Department now has up to six months to respond to this Request for Further Information. Hopefully the Department will respond in a timely manner.

You can see this Request for Information on the DLR Planning website. The letter summarising the points is here. The more extensive Planner’s Report is here. If you want to view all the documents associated with this planning application, you can do so on the DLR Planning website. The Planning Reference number is: D20A/026.
