08 Feb 2019

Neighbourhood Watch

Please continue to inform your road’s co-ordinator if there is something you think they should be aware of, e.g. suspicious callers etc. If you are not aware of who your road’s co-ordinator is, please let us know. For further information about our Neighbourhood Watch, please see this page.

Our Neighbourhood Watch group is looking for road co-ordinators for the following roads:

– Mount Carmel Road
– Mount Carmel Avenue
– Goatstown Road
– Belfield Downs

There isn’t an awful lot involved in being a co-ordinator, in case you’re afraid it might be an onerous task! It involves attending a meeting once or twice a year, and forwarding on the odd WhatsApp message now and again. If you’d like to volunteer (or you want to volunteer someone else!), please let us know.
