Neighbourhood Watch is in operation in our area.
What is Neighbourhood Watch?
Neighbourhood Watch is a crime prevention and community safety programme for urban areas. It operates as a partnership between An Garda Síochána and the public. It works on the basis that every member of a community can help to improve the quality of life in the area by keeping a look out for neighbours and reporting suspicious activities to the Gardaí.
Neighbourhood Watch in Our Area
Every member of the community can help to improve the quality of life in the area by keeping a look out for neighbours and reporting suspicious activities to the Gardaí. The main aims of Neighbourhood Watch in our area are the following:
- To improve community safety
- To prevent crime
- To develop Garda and community links
- To foster a caring environment for older and vulnerable people
- To reduce anti-social behaviour, including graffiti and harassment
Community Text Alert
Community Text Alert is simply where the gardaí send a text about something they feel we should know about. If you do not wish to receive this text alert, or if you want it sent to another number will you please let your Street Coordinator know. For example, some people might prefer if a son/ daughter/ friend receives the alerts. (Please note you will not be able to reply to this text. If you wish to respond, please contact your Street Coordinator.)
How Neighbourhood Watch Works
Neighbourhood Watch works in a different manner. Each road has a Street Coordinator, who reports to the Area Coordinator. The Area Coordinator then reports to the gardaí.
If you have concerns about any suspicious person or activity you should let your Street Coordinator know (Please contact us if you do not know who your Street Coordinator is). They will then contact the Area Coordinator and the Area Coordinator will contact the gardaí.
The gardaí stress that if the situation is current, e.g. robbery, accident etc., you should contact the gardaí directly (Dundrum Garda Station: 01 6665600). If it is a concern or activity, e.g. bogus callers, unacceptable behaviour etc., then contact your Street Coordinator.
If you report an incident to the guards it would be a good idea to let your Street Coordinator know as soon as you get a chance, just to keep everybody informed. Your name or house do not need to be highlighted.
The coordinators have asked that they not be contacted after 9 p.m. Communication in most cases should be by text, but a phone call is also in order.
We ask that you to talk to your neighbours about Neighbourhood Watch in case we do not have their details. If they would like to be included, you can refer them to your Street Coordinator.
The text alert system is being funded by the Residents’ Association and will be piloted for a year for all residents. In this regard we ask that you to join the Association, if you have not already done so that is. The annual subscription is €20 and can be paid in Lynam’s.
Some ‘Do’s and ‘Don’t’s of Crime Prevention Around the House
- Don’t allow strangers into your house. If they are genuine callers from a utility company for example, they will expect you to ask to see their ID. Also, if unsure, leave them outside while you ring their company to check their credentials.
- Don’t consider employing any unsolicited tradesmen who may call to your door.
- Don’t leave car or house keys near your front door – they can be “fished” out through your letter box.
- Alarm your house with a quality alarm system, and ensure it is serviced regularly.
- Always turn your alarm on when leaving the house, even for short trips.
- Leave lights on when going out.
- Make sure you lock up sheds, garages and outhouses. Do not leave gardening tools lying around. These can be used to break into your, or a neighbour’s, house.
- Photograph all valuables in your house. If stolen, these photos can be used at a later date to determine ownership, and as evidence to help prosecution.
- Take note of your mobile phone’s IMEI number. You can find this number by dialling *#06#. If your mobile is stolen, you can provide this number to your phone operator, who can then disable the phone.
For further information about Neighbourhood Watch, please visit the Garda website.
Also, check out the Summertime Safety Campaign.