26 Apr 2019

New School(s) – IGB Site

Various local politicans can neither “confirm nor deny” that the Department of Education is in the process of buying the IGB site to locate the new Educate Together Primary School there. “Most likely” is the phrase that was used when asked if this was true. The school is due to open in September of this year, so a temporary site has been found for it in Sandyford Business District. A 800 pupil secondary school is also due to open in the Goatstown/Stillorgan area in September 2020, so there is speculation that the IGB site will be used for this school too.


Update 26/4/19
Catherine Martin T.D. asked a Parlimentary Question this week in relation to the site, and the acquisition by the Department of Education. As can be seen from the response by the Minister for Education Joe McHugh, it looks like it is most likely that both the new primary AND secondary schools will be located here.


To ask the Minister for Education and Skills the status of two new schools (details supplied) due to open within the next 18 months particularly with regard to the securing of sites; and if he will make a statement on the matter. (Details Supplied) Goatstown Educate Together National School, due to open in Sept 2019; and post-primary school for Goatstown/Stillorgan, due to open in September 2020


As the Deputy may be aware my Department is working to acquire an identified site within the Goatstown Stillorgan School Planning Area for the purpose of providing school accommodation.

It is intended that the site in question will facilitate the provision of permanent accommodation for both the new schools to which the Deputy refers, subject to the views of the Planning Authority.

Pending delivery of its permanent accommodation the primary school will open in suitable interim accommodation in September 2019. The Department has applied for planning permission to Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council to use a building on Ballymoss Road, Sandyford Business Park as the interim location for the school. A response to a request for further information was submitted by the Department on 22/03/2019 to the Council. A decision on the planning application is awaited.
