19 Apr 2017

New Shortcut Route to OLG Schools

The new shortcut route to the schools has been open since April 10th. This new route runs through The Grove development, making the route to the schools that bit shorter. Following discussions between the residents’ association’s committee and Durkan’s, this whole area has now been transformed from a dark and overgrown pathway into a nicely landscaped area that will hopefully benefit all who will use it.

While the building work continues at The Grove, the path will run through an active building site. However there is high fencing on either side of the path to prevent access to the site.

From a safety perspective we would like to point out that the path will also cross a road in the site that will be used by construction traffic. There are gates on the road at this junction, and Durkan’s have informed us that an employee will control the gate for vehicle traffic. Parents and minders will need to pay particular attention here, in case monitoring of this gate is not 100%.

Another possible safety issue is where the path meets the zebra crossing in front of the schools. This new path is very smooth, has an incline, and there is also hoarding to the left which blocks the view of oncoming cars (see final photo in the gallery below). A barrier won’t be installed in this location. It is possible that small children could come scooting or cycling down this path at speed, and possibly go straight out onto the road. We did raise this safety issue with the planners and also directly with Durkan’s. Since that time however, the schools have formed a traffic and campus safety committee who are looking into safety issues such as this. If you feel there is a safety issue here, please contact the schools directly.

This is the plan sent from Durkan’s.

