OLG Hockey Pitch ABP Appeal – Permission Granted
The An Bord Pleanála appeal taken by a resident on Friarsland Road against the first planning application relating to the latest land sale on the OLG campus, the moving and refurbishment of the hockey pitch, has now been decided by the Board. The decision was made to grant permission.
The conditions attached are:
1. The development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the plans and particulars lodged with the application, as amended by the further plans and particulars submitted to the planning authority on the 13th of September, 2018, except as may otherwise be required in order to comply with the following conditions. Where such conditions require details to be agreed with the planning authority, the developer shall agree such details in writing with the planning authority prior to commencement of development and the development shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the agreed particulars.
Reason: In the interest of clarity.
2. Water supply and drainage arrangements, including the attenuation and disposal of surface water, shall comply with the requirements of the planning authority for such works and services.
Reason: In the interest of public health.
3. The proposed fencing around the hockey pitch shall be finished in a dark green colour except as may otherwise be agreed in writing with the planning authority prior to commencement of development on site.
Reason: In the interest of visual amenity and the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.
We expect a planning application for the residential development will go in very shortly.