06 Nov 2018

OLG Hockey Pitch – Appeal to An Bord Pleanála

A resident on Friarsland Road has submitted an appeal to An Bord Pleanála in relation to the planning application for the hockey pitch in OLG. The Residents’ Association will be making an observation on this Appeal. Any other interested party is also able to make an observation. The cost is €50, and we believe the final date for submission is 26th November (this needs to be confirmed). The Appeal Ref. No. is ABP-302898-18.

The main points of this appeal are:

  • DLR assessment of the response to the RFI  and the Grant of Permission dated 4th October 2018 have virtually no relationship with the original requirements of DLR and are inadequate.
  • Master Plan provided on a “without prejudice” basis did not cover the entire site or even the School Campus.
  • Orientation of Hockey Pitch against the recommendations Hockey Ireland, International Hockey Federation, Hockey England etc. on the grounds of player safety and playability.
  • Tree removal including a specimen Beech tree on the proposed site – Tree symbol on site – “To protect and preserve trees and woodlands”.
  • Major Non Compliance with Planning Permission D07A/1504 – Provision of 100 Bicycle Stands/CCTV/Lighting at west gable Secondary school. This is the same site for the access road to the proposed Hockey Pitch.
  • Non Compliance – Provision of outdoor Basketball Court for Secondary school use – west of school.
  • Fire and Emergency Vehicle Access (Primary and Secondary School) – Site now sold (Option Site). The Primary school site that was granted permission in 2008 was 1.27ha, and this included a grassed play area for the Primary school. This grassed play area is the Fire Brigade access to both the primary school and the back of the secondary school (this is part of the planning conditions). Since the sale of land in 2017, this area is now private property.
  • New Public Notice should have been published due to the extent of the Request For Further Information, and particularly the Pedestrian/Cyclist connectivity to Friarsland Road and Roebuck Downs. Without a Public Notice had the Developer agreed to this condition proposed by DLR, planning permission would have been granted without reference to the residents’ views.
  • Reduction of School Campus – It seems to be the view of the developer that by drawing a red line through the hockey pitch, convent/After School Service/ Primary School site etc. and selling/transferring same to a third party – they no longer are Institutional Lands. They also argue, and it seems to be accepted by DLR, that the site was not reduced by virtue of the planning application – and therefore the school site was not reduced.
  • Minimum Open Space – non compliance

You can view the full Appeal document that was submitted by clicking here.
