15 Mar 2024

OLG – Roebuck Grove House

The old convent building, Roebuck Grove House, that has become derelict over the last few years, is being proposed as the location for a 29 unit hostel. The final date for observations on this planning application is 8th April 2024, and the planning reference number is: D24A/0133

Here is the link to DLR County Council’s planning website.

Some images etc. take from the Planning Report the applicant has submitted. This document can be found on the DLR Planning website.

Edit 19/4/24: Please see here for the observation we submitted in respect of this planning application.

Edit 29/4/24: DLRCoCo Planning Department has refused permission. The applicant has initiated an appeal with An Bord Pleanála, ABP-319774-24.

Edit 17/6/24: Please see here for the observation we submitted in respect of this appeal.
