Pay Now

Pay Online
You can sign up to pay your annual €20 membership subscription online using a credit/debit card, ApplePay or GooglePay. If you are a new member paying for the first time, please also email us separately at, so that you can be added to the email list.

Annual Subscription: €20
Online Payment Fee: €0.80
Total: €20.80

There are 2 options to pay online. You can agree to a recurring payment or a once-off payment. The recurring payment option will automatically charge €20.80 to your card every year (for 3 years). The once-off payment option will take €20.80 from you once. The recurring payment option is preferable, as it involves less nagging.

Recurring Payment

Click here to be brought to Stripe to pay.

You will be automatically charged yearly. If you wish to edit, or cancel, your yearly subscription, click here. (You can come back to this page at any time and update your details etc. from this link.)

Once-off Payment

Click here to be brought to Stripe to pay.

To pay a once-off payment (you won’t be automatically charged again next year), use this option.

Pay by Standing Order or EFT
To pay by standing order download this form, fill it out and give it to your bank. Or set it up on your online banking. Alternatively you can use the details found in the letter to make an EFT payment from your online banking.

Pay With Cash
Use the envelope that is delivered annually to each house to pay by cash.