Please Take Our Survey
Between the Central Mental Hospital, the Vector Motors 239 bed (4 parking spaces) student accommodation, the two new schools going into the IGB site, and the 698 bed (11 parking spaces) student accommodation proposed for the OLG site, there is growing alarm at the scale of development in our area, and the problems this may cause.
As you know, we have formed a group in order to address the significant impact the Dundrum Central development will have on our community. This group has put together a survey which will help us to continue to gather residents’ concerns and opinions regarding this development, and will also give us more insight into the concerns around the potential increase in traffic caused by all three developments.
The information gathered will help support us in our efforts to best represent you when speaking to our elected representatives, DLR County Council and the LDA.
We are asking that all residents complete this survey.
Please complete the survey before the end of the week (before 21st February).