12 Sep 2019

Public Consultation – Community, Cultural and Civic Facilities in Dundrum

Update March 2021:
You can find the published Dundrum Community, Cultural and Civic Action Plan (DCCCAP) here.

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council has commissioned work on an Action Plan for Community, Cultural and Civic for Dundrum, and that work has already begun.The Action Plan will propose what community, cultural and civic facilities will be needed in the area over the next 20 years.

A public consultation begins on Thursday (September 5th) for a four week period. This is a great opportunity for local people to make the case again for a new Civic Centre at the heart of Dundrum Village, including a modern library and additional community facilities. 

You can find out more here: https://dlrcoco.citizenspace.com/planning/dundrum-community-cultural-civic-action-plan-cccap/. The consultation period runs from Thursday September 5th 2019 to Thursday October 3rd inclusive.

It only takes about 10 minutes to complete, and it is anonymous for private individuals.

Update 8/10/19:
Read the Residents’ Association’s submission here.
