23 Apr 2016

Spring Clean 2016, Rosemount Pitches

We had a great turn-out this morning for our first Spring Clean. We even ran out of plastic bags we had so many volunteers! The sun was shining and residents of every generation were there helping to bag up all the rubbish. It was also a good opportunity for neighbours to meet and talk about all the various local goings on!

For those that couldn’t make it, you missed a great opportunity to see a certain famous rugby star training (in shorts!).

We’re engaging with the council to try and get a bin at the entrance here. A bin is sorely needed, especially for dog walkers. Of course we know that most dog owners pick up after their dogs, but we were amazed at how many bagged doggie poos were left lying around. Why go to the trouble of bagging it, then throwing it away? The mind boggles!

After the clean up, the rubbish was brought back to the green in front of the shops. Thanks to Lynam’s for very kindly laying on tea, coffee and scones for all the hungry volunteers.

Thanks too to Susan Kennedy for organising everything.  Susan, along with some other residents (Carol, Kitty, Rosemary etc) is also currently working on transforming the green in front of the shops. The eagle eyed among you may have noticed that beds have been dug around the trees, the bench has been given a new lick of paint, and the flag stones underneath have been cleaned etc. Planting will start soon. If anyone would like to volunteer for gardening duty, please let us know. We’d be delighted to have some more willing volunteers to call on. Also if anyone has any experience with landscape design and AutoCAD, and is willing to help out, please get in touch.
