10 Jun 2020

Spring Clean 2020

This weekend the postponed An Taisce National Spring Clean will take place. We usually organise groups to litter-pick and remove weeds but this year is different due to the continuing Covid 19 restrictions. So instead we are going for an individual/ family approach. 

Could you donate an hour to pick rubbish and weed a local area close to you? Areas that need particular attention are weeds between the roadside and kerb. Residents are also encouraged to edge the grass verge outside their house and to help neighbours who are unable to do this themselves.

Contact us if you need supplies; we have gloves, bags and a limited supply of litter-pickers. There will also be a number of volunteers on the green outside the shops on Saturday morning between 10am-12pm.

All collected bags should be returned to the green by Monday morning for collection by the council. Only council blue bags will be collected. 

A few basic guidelines that need to be adhered to:
– Wear gloves
– Bring a bag for the litter/ weeds
– If weeding on the roadside wear a hi-vis vest and face oncoming traffic
– Put the gloves in the rubbish bag
– Wash your hands afterwards

One thing that Covid has taught us is how important it is to have amenities close to us. Please help us to keep our area clean. 

Take pictures before and after and send them in to us. Let’s try to cover the whole of Roebuck and to also stay safe.

Some examples of areas that need attention:
