20 Jan 2018

Sustainable Gardening Workshops

DLRCC is sponsoring a series of Sustainable Gardening workshops.

These workshops have been designed to encourage resident groups and individuals to make informed decisions when managing their estates/gardens in ways that will be sympathetic to nature and in particular our pollinators.

Workshops will take place in Marlay Park on the following dates:

Sunday 25th February
Sunday 11th March
Sunday 25th March
Sunday 8th April
Sunday 22nd April

Participants are expected to attend all five dates.

There will be three sessions on each date to accommodate as many people as possible, sessions will start at 9.15, 11.30 and 14.00 and run for 2 hours.

Please indicate your preferred start time when booking on this course. To book a place on this course please email Aoife Munn (aoifemunn@gmail.com).
