OLG – Thanks to Councillors
We’d like to extend our sincere thanks to Councillors Jim O’Leary, Barry Saul and Anne Colgan for the help and support they have offered the Association regarding investigating various issues in the new draft DLR County Development Plan 2022-2028 on our behalf.
Cllr O’Leary and Cllr Saul have been successful in getting a motion passed that rezones the site at the rear of the campus from A zoning to F zoning (in effect, recreational amenity) and also puts back the INST Objective on the OLG site, which is of huge importance to the appropriate development of this site.
They have also succeeded in passing other motions including appropriate boundary step back development in infill sites, and reinstating the original 25% open space percentage regarding open space in land zoned INST, among others.