16 May 2016

The Green Dog Walkers’ Scheme

The Green Dog Walkers’ scheme is a positive and pro-active way to encourage and support responsible dog ownership in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.  It aims to increase awareness of the problem of dog fouling which is among the most common and anti-social forms of littering.

‌When you sign up to the scheme DLR will send you a complimentary green dog-walkers armband and a ‘doggie bone’ poop-bag dispenser with a roll of bags.

By signing up you have ‘Taken the Pledge’ to always clean up after your dog, to carry extra doggie bags and to gladly give others a bag for their dog if they ask for one.  By wearing the green armband you are signalling that you are a responsible dog–owner participating in and supporting the scheme.

Read more about the scheme here: www.dlrcoco.ie/aboutus/councildepartments/environment/findit/greendogwalkers/
