11 Oct 2016

Tidy Districts 2016 – Judges’ Marks and Comments

We received the judging form from the Tidy Districts judges. You can see how the marks were awarded. See below for the judges’ comments at the end.

We need more volunteers for the Tidy Districts Team. You don’t need to know anything about gardening, but just be willing to help out when you can. Everyone benefits from a nicer area, so please, donate a small bit of time to this very worthy cause.

Judges Comments: “The estate is clearly well managed and was free of litter on the day of judging with beautiful floral displays at the green area beside the retail units. There was some old leaf litter in road edges and along paths in places.

The Green area is particularly impressive with huge thought put in to creating a location people will want to visit. I’m sure the business owners in the area are delighted with the efforts.

I suspect the quarterly clean-ups must be supported by additional patrols unless the judges happened to visit immediately after a clean-up. The application highlights quarterly clean-ups which are very well supported, advice is also provided to encourage responsible dog ownership.

The website highlights a diverse range of events which appear well supported by the community, from this it is clear the community spirit highlighted through the active participation in events is simply stunning.

The links that have been established with the council, local businesses and local action groups are excellent and clearly highlight a strong willingness within the community to create a better environment for all. You might consider joining the PPN (Public Participation Network) a framework for public engagement and participation.

The website is a wealth of information and invaluable when trying to communicate effectively with the local residents. Regular public meetings, emails to residents and posters in local shops all help to drive the message. You might also consider using social media to increase participation, especially amongst the younger members of the community.

The new plant displays, bug hotel and bird box increase awareness of nature within the estate, there is plenty of room to enhance this and I believe plans are in place for a wildflower meadow.

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan offers tips to help residential areas become more mindful of the natural surroundings and is a valuable resource for resident groups interested in safeguarding our natural heritage.

For a group that formed in 2016roebuck_judging-form16 you have achieved a huge amount, the planted areas look fantastic and it is good to see people enjoying the green area which you have dedicated so much time on. If this is the standard you have set yourself for the whole estate other community groups had better watch out…”
