Tidy Districts’ Group – Some Changes
We have recently expanded our Tidy Districts Group and are hoping to further do so. Ideally we would love to have a few people from every road to help out.
We have been pretty busy the last few weeks as you may have noticed. The Green by the shops is looking gorgeous, thanks to all the wonderful help in grass-cutting and maintaining flower beds. We have acquired new logs which are getting lots of use.
Friarsland Avenue (the shortcut to the schools) has been given a facelift – trees cut back, suckers pruned, grass cut, and is looking very neat right now.
A huge amount of grass cutting and edging has been done along the perimeter wall of Roebuck Park on Farmhill Drive by very hard working volunteers.
Goatstown Avenue has been mowed, weeded and spruced up.
We are working our way around the area, pruning unwanted suckers from trees and weeding and edging. Do feel free to step outside and have a look, and if you have any suckers sprouting from trees, or overgrown trees, or hedging onto footpaths, feel free to cut them, or contact us if help is needed.
We are now planning a clean-up in Friarsland Green but have been hampered by inclement weather.
Work is ongoing so anyone who has a clippers spade or brush please join us. It’s great fun! Contact us at roebuckresidents@gmail.com, and we will be happy to welcome you on board the Tidy Districts Group. The more the merrier.