05 Jul 2018

Tidy Districts Judgement Day + Weeds Info from DLR

Tidy Districts Judgement Day
The judging period for Tidy Districts has just begun. Will we make it three years in a row? The stress of it all. All residents are asked to put in a special effort, please tidy up your verges, and your neighbour’s if they’re not able to/away/too lazy!

18 bags of weeds and edgings were collected at our last tidy-up evening. The (very small) Tidy Districts team is putting in superhuman effort to get our area into shape. All help is much appreciated.

And please don’t forget the poor trees! The new ones, from this year and last year, will be really suffering in this heat. The odd bucket of water would be much appreciated. Washing up water etc. is perfectly fine.

Weeds Info from DLR
We got some information regarding weeds from the Environmental Awareness section of DLRCoCo.

Grass won’t grow significantly under extreme drought conditions. If you’re going to cut your grass it’s recommended you cut it on the highest possible setting.

The Council is no longer spraying weeds, see here. If weeds are an issue in your area you can report them to info@dlrcoco.ie Please take a picture of the weeds, if they meet certain predefined criteria a crew will be sent to physically weed the area. This is an extremely positive step for our wildlife and is fully endorsed by the Environment Awareness Section.

